Music Submissions

If you would like to have your music played on the SSR Podcasts please e-mail us the following information

In the subject line please print "SSR Submission"

In the body please include:



URL (if any)

Song(s) you would like to have played and where we can download them OR send an MP3.The music does not have to feature the Stick as a solo instrument,but it does have to be present in the mix.

Your personal statement allowing me to use your material for our podcast and nothing more.This is very important!You must include all of the above info if you want your music played.

I will not profit from this podcast. It is presented as an entertainment and informational show to further advance and promote the Chapman Stick,Stick music, and Stickists.

As soon as we get enough material for at least a 45 min show,I will put the material together,find an RSS server, and post it! the whole world will hear your mastery of the Stick,babes will come a knockin',the $$$ will rain on you like a tsunami, and we can all retire in the Bahamas (O.K, maybe not but people will hear you...)
Let me know and spread the world. It will take time to get this going but I believe that with your help it will be well worth the effort.

Juan R Leon


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