Strada-Sphere Radio Show #006

It's the April Fools Edition of the Strada-Sphere Radio Podcast!!!

Yeah I know,it's not even April yet but I will be on vacation for about 3 weeks so the show's a bit early.Hey,it's an April Fools Show anyways so why be surprised,right? I hope you enjoy the show and have a laugh or two.Not much talkin' (show marker only) as I was feelin' a bit under the weather so I let the voices of "others" segue the show for me.
Since my voice is limited to the intro for the show,please forgive the absence of a proper introduction to each song and it's performer.That's what show notes are for,right?Please visit all of our guests sites and give them a shout!Here is the list for the show...

Darrell "Funky D" Harvard
and T-Bone Pruitt "Darlin'I Love You"

Randy Pytel
"The Fourth Plague" <---- Had to edit this down a bit.Please visit Randy's site for the complete file!

Irene Orleansky
"The Child of Music"

Rick Cucuzza
"Chief Joseph"

Diego Souto
"Rosa do meu jardim"

"Saturday Matinee"

X Ray Simon
"Spaghetti Strings

"El Amor Es Eterno" <---I had to edit this down a bit as well.Just visit my site for the full tune.

By the way,the views expressed by my "co-hosts" in no way reflect the opinions of this show or it's participants.Except maybe for the espresso comment at the end.Let's all have some caffeine!!!!!!


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