
Showing posts from December, 2006

Another show...

Hello Stickists! Hope you all had a gread Christmas and that Santa Emmett left you all a brand new Stick! I have been getting a few more submissions for the contest so I will do at least one more show before a winner is announced.I plan on doing it in the next week or two.In ight of this,I would like to set the deadline for submissions as the 31st of January,2007. I will announce a winner in the Febuary show so forget what I said in the last show (# 13)! You still have time to submit a 15-30 second tune. Hit the woodshed and good luck! And have a Happy New Year! Juan

Merry Christmas and more...

Hello loyal listeners! 1st of all let me start off by wishing you a Merry Christmas! 2nd, I have created a LastFM a page for myself.For those of you who may not have heard of LastFM,it is an online community which allows other people in your "neighborhood" to see what you listen to via updated charts that report your listening habits.Other folks then listen to your picks,recommend music,artists,and so on.As you may have already guessed,there is a lot of Stick music on my charts!In fact,I have been listening to my i-Pod's "Stickists" play list pretty much all day and reporting it to Last FM via my media player (in this case,Amarok running on Linux).I encourage you to sign up and tune in!

Strada-Sphere Radio #013

Strada-Sphere Radio #013 for December,2006 I know that I promised a Spanish show for the next episode.The thing is,well,I recorded the whole show,edited it,and then realised that I recorded it in English! But it's a great show I had already put in a good mornings work towards producing it.I will record another Spanish show, lo prometo! So... Here it is,the last show of 2006! And what a show we have to end the year with.Sure,it may only be a 1/2 hour or so,but where else can you hear NEW music from the upcoming Steve Adelson CD,"Stickology"? Steve sent me an advance copy and let me tell ya,it is a phenomenal offering.I play 2 tunes from this great album for you.Merry Christmas! Also, featuring music form Zentherstick David Gelder Shane Carey Pascal Glanville Plus I play 2 submissions for the Intro Theme Song Contest

New Steve Adelson music!

Hello fellow Stickists,loyal listeners,and 1st time visitors! I just recieved an advanced promo copy of Steve Adelson's new CD, "Stickology" .Man,you guys are in for a treat! Steve has graciously sent me this promo for the show and I will be playing some cuts on the next couple of episodes of Strada-Sphere Radio (Spanish and English). As you may or may not know (shame on ya if ya don't!),Steve has also pledged a finished production copy of the CD as part of the prize package I will be giving out to the winner of the Strada-Sphere Radio Podcast Theme Song Contest (Manny Tau of has pledged a hat).Once ya hear what's on this disc,I am sure you will all be as excited as I am about Steve's new release. This CD simply flat out jams! So,stay tuned,relax,enjoy the Holidays,and be patient,new shows are on the way....

Thanx for the hits!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Just wanted to share some stats for the show. I was browseing my stats page for the podcast and came across this.... Live Feed Hits As of Mon,Dec. 4th,2006 12:15 PM (We're live and on the scene!) 25 hits in the last 4 and a half hours Hmmm,if this is the average,damn,that's a lot..... One can only dream!