This installment of the Strada-Sphere Interview features the multi-talented Wayne Leechford.A musician on saxophone,flute,bass guitar,guitar,clarinet,and Chapman Stick,Wayne has visited every corner of the musical realm.He has been involved with many commercial recordings including soundtracks (The Whole Nine Yards),live television,radio broadcasts.The list goes on and on.He even performed on saxaphone at the White House for President Bill Clinton. Wayne records and performs with an impressive and diverse list of groups and organizations such as Ozone Quartet,Samecumba,Raleigh Saxophone Quartet,Wayne Leechford Trio,and the North Carolina Wind Orchestra,to name a few. And,believe it or not,he also finds time to teach sax,clarinet,bass, and Stick.Oh,and by the way,he is also a web designer and manages his own web design firm,Leechford Media.Talk about a Jack of all Trades! Wayne was kind enough to take some time out of his obviously busy schedule to answer some questions ...